Kenilworth Quarantine Station: Vector Surveillance


Vector surveillance is undertaken routinely at the Kenilworth Quarantine Station. There is a trap outside the barns monitoring vector populations in the region while the traps inside the various barns are used to establish whether vector protection was maintained during periods when there are horses in quarantine. Traps inside the barns are only monitored when horses are resident.


We are grateful to the following people and organisations for contributing to the KQS midge surveillance effort:

  • Sue Mutch: KQS Quarantine manager
  • KQS staff
  • Western Cape Department of Agriculture: Veterinary Services
  • Parasites, Vectors and Vector borne Diseases, Agricultural Research Council
  • Wits Health Consortium : Equine Health Fund

Available data to analyse

Summary of full data set

Cumulative traps collected (trap nights)

Total Culicoides Captured (by location)

Species Distribution

Note: Species 'All' denotes where species could not be established

Graphical representation of results

Summary of filtered data set

Selected Date Series


Cumulative traps collected (trap nights)

Total Culicoides Captured (by location)

Species Distribution

Note: Species 'All' denotes where species could not be established

Graphical representation of results